Rudy in Concert

On March 30, 2019, The CineConcerts Foundation in partnership with CineConcerts kicked off its first charitable film concert: Rudy in Concert.

Among the attendees were over 1,000 children, families and nonprofit staff who received free ticket donations. The CineConcerts Foundation reached out to over 50 organizations across Southern California, including Create Now, Harmony Project and the L.A. Phil Assn.


Social Justice Orchestra Project

Partnering with activists, storytellers and nonprofits, we are working to create an original piece of music reflective of the current moment in history.

We are using our musical expertise to help raise money for Black Lives Matter, The Color of Change and other important organizations.


The CineConcerts Foundation funds our projects through donations, with all funds after the initial investment recoupment going to the partner non-profit organizations. We believe that art is an important way to bring new eyes to important organizations, and feel that we are uniquely positioned to do just that.



We want to bring people and music together to experience music in a new and unique way. If even just a few folks leave the concert hall with a new appreciation for this beautiful craft, then we are doing our job.

- Justin Freer & Brady Beaubien